Meet the face
behind the posts
My name is Stefanie and I am not a trained expert in grief and loss but I definitely have experience in the area. My husband was diagnosed with stage IV Colon cancer despite having no symptoms at age 36 and almost two years later he passed away. It does feel like I am living in a surreal life for the last two years and going. I know I am not alone, because I saw you in the waiting rooms and in the treatment rooms. I saw so many sick people, but I also saw most of them with their loved ones.
Unfortunately, I learned that things in life don't always work out the way you want and there are a lot of things that are beyond our control. Those of you that have lost a loved one will understand this feeling, even if you are lucky and haven’t lost anyone, some of you can relate by having to start a new chapter in your lives because of an enormous change or even a perceived failure.
This blog is my journey through my new life and to let people know they are not alone, their story matters. This blog is for caregivers (past and present), grievers, anyone who experienced a major change and loss in their lives or anyone looking to have a positive shift in their new chapter.
I want to listen and learn from your stories, I want to hear how you got through your hard chapter. I hope you enjoy this blog, I hope we can listen, learn and move forward with each other. Please submit your stories, I want to hear them and would love to share them with your permission.